Wednesday, January 30, 2013

SORR2013: my personal reasons for it...


Again, about SORR2013.
Pardon me for being obsessed with this upcoming race. Am super excited about it! Can't help it! Hehhehe.

And oh, the event is just in a few weeks! Wooot!

Well, bak kata seorang sahabat
"Kau tu Farah, semua pun best!"

Why I personally am eager to participate:

1) First and foremost, most probably am influenced by Tanah Aina trip, where they did their best in educating their guests on the needs for us to act for our lovely mother nature. They did a great job, indeed. I've always wanted to explore the greens (being budak "kampung" kat bandar yg agak peghak ni, pendedahan kepada sungai pokok pokok laut segala tertakluk kepada aktiviti kokurikulum dizaman sekolah sahaja. Sedikit sukar, pathetic bukan? Sobs), but I just didn't have that enough courage to explore by myself. now that I found the "platforms" on how I could help, I think I've finally found what I "want". :)

2) Well, truth is, I loved the fact that I get to be involved in the project of rehabilitating Tasik Chini during my previous job, even not that much of a help I was. But I really do hope that team is doing great at it. That time, I felt like I wasn't doing my part really well though. Basically, from the "feel" of the previous job was the main factor that has sparked the urge and awareness that leads the point from the first factor (1). Thanks Puan Akmal & En Mazlan for letting me in the team, even though I didn't do much, I think. :)

3) I believe, helping out the cause is one of the ways for me to give back to the community. I want my future khalifahs to be able to breath clean air, enjoy the refreshing water from the river & streams. Awww! Isn't that cute? Heheh. Allah lent us the earth, our responsibility to care for it. Ihsan tidak tertakluk kepada sesama manusia saja, ia termasuk kepada flora dan fauna juga, jangan lupa itu ya kawan kawan!

4) Well, few months back was quite a rough journey. Not gonna elaborate more on that, though.
Just that, it made me realize how important it is to keep our body & environment healthy.
Lots of chronic disease has now become sort of a trend. That's the ugly truth. The air we suck in, the food we stuff in, the water we sip in, all those would soon be more contaminated if we don't do our part. Seriously, its scaring me to death! As quoted from Peka's Hon Treasurer, said during the SORR interview on Hello On 2 this morning, "Rainforest is our pharmacy". Need I elaborate more on this?

Oh well, I guess, those are the few main personal reasons I could list. To be frank, there's more than that. I just hope this little effort of mine, joining the race, could lead me into bigger steps onwards. Every little step does count, no? :)

Well friends, if we are not able to join the race, maybe we could also send our prayers for this event to be successful & smoothsailing, aite? Yes, I claim the event as important because it might lead into more such awareness in the near future, in shaa Allah.

I'm partly nervous too upon the nearing date of the race, despite being all eager for it to come real soon. Haha!
And err... Kinda worried lately been lacking of training and easily sengal the whole badan lately. I hope I'll recover real soon.

Wait! It's not just the badan sengal, mental pun sama sengal sebab menjelang pagi je sure tewas bertarung dengan diri sendiri antara bantal dan running shoes. Pffft. Sekian. Kesian. :P
Sent by DiGi from my BlackBerry® Smartphone

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