Wednesday, May 04, 2011



Oh man. Aku masih terasa ralat tak dapat berjumpa penyu di pulau mabul.
Sedih woi!

But Alhamdulillah, the trip was one interesting trip though. Well, not every well planned and things that goes according to plan are the ones yang interesting, no. The best thing that made the trip one of my favorite is that it is SPONTANEOUS! Weeehu!
I was at first super frustrated and felt de-motivated due too a few headaches over the messed up plan. But then, Alhamdulillah, I went with a bunch of great people, perhaps angels sent from heaven, who backed me up.
Allah saja tau betapa blank jadinya aku, betapa rasa bersalahnya aku pada kawan kawan sebab tak rancang sedetail mungkin dan didn't prepare any back up plans. I felt useless!
But like I said, I went with a bunch of great company. They were the ones who reacts and counterback the complications and turned the almost ruined vacation into one super blast!
Thank u girls! Err... Not forgetting the two guys too! Hehehe. Well, I know u know who u are! Am so sorry for the kekurangans and thank u sooooooo much for the splendid vacation! I love uols deep deep!

I have drafted the details of the trip for this blog entry, but yet to update it because sedang super malas nak upload gambor.
Tambahan pula, hati masih bengkak sebab tak dapat snorkel dengan girang gara gara kuku kaki sedang ter'bukak'.

Kau cuba bayangkan, kuku kaki kau terbukak tertutup terbukak ditekan air masin. Pergh! Terbaekkkk tuuuh rasa dia *mata ke atas tangan didada*. Dah pulak, sementara menunggu rakan depan kau tengah nak turun ke laut dari bot, rakan kau yang lain sedang teriak girang bertemu penyu tak sampai seploh minit mereka cecah air. Tak ke kau rasa nak loncat terus instead of tunggu rakan kau tu turun tanGga bot tu??

Ok sudah.
Frust ni.
Harap harap, trip next year bisa bertemu penyu!
Ehem. Next year, orang lain plak organize.
harap harap, dapat bertemu penyu! (See. Betapa aku nak sangat jumpa penyu sampai ulang point berkenaan beberapa kali)
Well, tak dapat berenang dengan penyu, dapat usap usap dia di pusat penternakan penyu pon jadiiiiiklah *hint hint hahahaha*

Mau tidur sudah.
Moga mimpi jumpa penyu. Sobs.
Sent by DiGi from my BlackBerry® Smartphone

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