I could wait to blog, but it bothers me a lot until I write it somewhere.
Lately, the world seems to be fed with lots of shocking news, to be specific, humanity. A LOT, ok!
Van runs over toddler.
A teenage mum slashed her newborn baby.
These two are a few of the latest sad stories.
Oh no, I'm not gonna evaluate more on those stories coz it's just too heartbreaking. To be observing how wild the world are now is just too....no word can imply the emotions. From my view, (here comes MY point for this entry) do we really need to spread the video or photos? It's not that I'm somewhat cold whatsoever. But, seriously? It is disturbing!
Ok ok fine. In some cases, it is acceptable, I guess. But by sharing the photo of the deceased baby, and later, comments of all sorts. Especially of those 'angry' comments deceiving the 'murderer', some said about anak haram lah, mak nye gila lah, jahatlah apa lah.
I myself felt super marah upon knowing that sort of news. But why not we look at another point of view, on why did such thing happen.
I understand the anger, lumrah manusia marah bila kekejaman macam tu terjadi.
Contoh, kes kelar baby tu.
Post gambar tu, lepas tu, nak takot sedih segala. Perlu ke? Itu satu hal, lepas tu, assume mak budak tu tak berhati perut. Gila. Setan.
Tak ke dah fitnah tu hoi?
Ada mungkin mak budak tu bertindak begitu sebab kena serang meroyan?
Ada mungkin tak that young mom have been facing hardship during that 9 months of pregnancy which leads her to lose her senses totally?
Ada mungkin kan?
Everything happens for and because of a reason.
Ye, tindakan ibu muda tu salah sama sekali. Tapi kita tak ada hak untuk prejudis.
Dan tuduh bukan bukan.
Dan sebar gambar2 berkaitan.
Itu dosa dia, Allah yg tentukan.
Mengaibkan orang termasuk dalam dosa jugak, bukan? Mahu jugak kita sama sama tambah dosa free? Pakej!
Entah la. Too see today's world is somewhat scary. Akhirat nanti macam mana agaknya?
Apa apa pun, ini hanya lah pandangan picisan aku. Jangan pulak nanti ada serang aku kata bukan2 pulak.
Sharing is caring, no?
Tak salah kan aku share pendapat sampingan aku?
Sent by DiGi from my BlackBerry® Smartphone
x terkata dgn berita2 hari ni.; lebih baik ita ambik iktibar dr sume yg dah terjadi.
sokong fawaa! aah, xske org yg sebar lepas tu caci maki hina sgla bagai sedangkan yg dia kutuk tu pun dosa. huh!
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