Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Mengejar Awan.

Hah molek, time tengah menggelupor kejar dateline lah mood blogging menjelma. Hey Bobo! how are you, bebeh! *pang! pelampang sedas*

Dek melayan blog rakan-rakan, especially si pakcik bas rapidSabah ini, terbakarlah juga sedikit sebanyak.
Nak cerita memacam tapi mak aih, kerja menimbun ni cik Bobo.
Apa kata aku highlight a few points yang aku treasure very much about the trip?
(tentang trip keseluruhan rasa aku boleh rujuk blog pakcik bas sebab agak detail juga updates beliau. mwahaha!)

  • sekali lagi jadi lone ranger (sebelum ini lone ranger ketika travel di Goldcoast tahun lalu) merentas negeri, dari Brunei kembali ke Kota Kinabalu dengan bekal kewangan yang amat terhad. Disertai sandal hampir putus. Dan pengetahuan pengangkutan awam yang amat terhad. Did i mention financial constraint? T___T . Ke Brunei menaiki van bersama mereka dan pulang seorang diri, dengan bantuan mereka juga sedikit sebanyak. Flight kembali ke KL dari KK adalah jam 3.30pm begitu. Si bijak pandai ini selamba kodok je beli tiket ferry dari Labuan ke KK jam 1.30pm yang mengambil masa 2 jam paling kurang pun. Hah ye, ferry tu terus sampai sebelah kapal terbang kau tu kan farah diana! T_T. Nasib baik pernah mengalami kejadian seumpama ini (will tell about it some other time. and yes, it happened during the Goldcoast trip. itu laaaaaagi tragis ok!), maka, nak tak nak aku gelak kan diri sendiri dan lekas lekas bertindakbalas membuat muka kesian dan mentukar tiket ferry dengan speedboat ke Menumbok dan sambar je teksi/pengangkutan awam yang terpantas ke airport KK. Nasib baik tiket boleh refund. fuh! Dan yes, battery phone nyawa nyawa ikan turut menambar thrill pengembaraan. haha! p/s: yes, i really laughed even in that critical situation because these sort of things happened to me quite a few times kot, and well, Alhamdulillah, i survived everytime. KEHKEHKEH! 
  • been wanting to do a roadtrip, across semenanjung but turned out Iman had arranged the trip as such and impian nak merasa roadtrip terlaksana, but in Borneo instead. Dah nama roadtrip, memang most of the time on the road lah (duh?) and being with a great and cool team, the trip was one of the best i've been to. Alhamdulillah. 
  • somehow, it really is one of the most memorable trip i could ever wished for. Ahli rombongan sememangnya automatically clicked (despite the fact that we were of the same studio back in UKM lah kan) and semua otak fleksibel and can respond to spontaneous plans very well. And everyone takes good care of each other. Simply said, semua macam adik beradik yang harmony. (i'll have to say, this is the most essential point. which is i have a set of adik beradik yang cool!) And i really don't mind travelling with them again.
  • Jejak kaki kat Brunei tengah malam dan keluar daripada Brunei seawal pagi keesokan harinya. Bunyi macam ngok sangat kan? but as i said before, i've been accompanied by a set of brothers and sisters yang sangat cool, so the plain roadtrip from Kota Kinabalu to Brunei across a few parts of Sarawak became somewhat interesting. 
  • Tidur kat surau. Well, since masuk Brunei pun dah agak lewat malam, i doubt we could reach the accommodation on time. And somehow the thought of bertenggek kat masjid had been lingering around my mind while we were struggling to find the location of the youth club there. Nak jadi kisah, memang ter'makbul' doa bertenggek kat surau youthclub tu sebab penjaga asrama dah pulang ketika kami tiba. Lawak sangat tapi itulah antara pengalaman berharga trip berkenaan. Alhamdulillah, surau kami tumpang itu pun dah cukup selesa untuk kami bertujuh.
  • Mengejar Awan. yes. we literally chase over the awan ketika sedang turun dari Kundasang menuju ke Kota Kinabalu. Back a few years, i was amazed by the clouds just beside our car while we were going uphill during the trip with boss (merangkap lecturer ku) and Aisyah, Gedik, & Shafiz. Subahanallah, the awan is just beside you and you're racing with the clouds. How amazing the sight was? speechless. Allah Maha Berkuasa. And that beautiful experience, i wished my brothers and sisters would be able to witness too. So whenever we could see awan on the side of the road, me and Ana will quickly snap some shots. But trust me, photographed moments will never have the same feel compared to the moments 'photographed' inside your own memory/experience. You really have to witness the beautiful creation yourself. 
ok. Ni tipu sikit. Ni gambar time perjalanan dari KK ke Brunei. But even then pun, aku dilanda obses terhadap awan. harap maklum!

Ok. Konon a few points, tapi setiap point pun bukan main explanation kau, farah! Kerja menimbun memanggil itu hey! 
To conclude, yes, i miss team Mengejar Awan. How i wish there'll be another such trip. InsyaAllah, dengan izin Allah, semoga ada kesempatan kita lagi. Amin.