Thursday, November 17, 2011

Teaser: ....remember the November

It has been awhile since i last updated, no?
well, life's great though. been wanting to update on lots of things but always end up blank upon facing the pc. *alasan*
But on this one, i'll try my best to update an entry...err...wait...might be a few, as soon as i can.
As for now, i'll just have you play the guessing game on what i'll be writing soon.

nyah! gedik sangat kau nak prelude teaser bagai kan! kahkahkah.
maaf lah kawan kawan, serius aku jet-lagged ni. or so i thought lah.
sejurus pulang, esoknya terus masuk opis. lepas tu sawan asyik mengantuk. disogok pula perkhabaran yang ku kira kurang enak.
tapi, tak apa... enak tak enak pun, we'll have to view things on the bright side. we are the ones who are in charge on our own happiness. nothing wrong being miserable or sad once in a while, because that's just how life is. so, make the best out of it.
sementara farah diana ini menyah-cas kan ion ion jet-lag kononnya ini, tenung lah gambar ni puas puas ye. kalau rasa menyampah sakan melihat perempuan dalam photo berkenaan, sila lah google image justin bieber atau selena gomez agar lebih sedap mata anda memandang. mwahaha!

till then, cheers! ^.^


Adian said...

wah baju archustic dah terbang merata2

fara-D said...

haha! bangga kan! baju archustic dah sampai Movieworld! hehehe. crew punya tshirt mmg best dipakai berjalan jalan.